Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Obama 1: HRC 0

So far in the debates out of PA. . . .

The moderators are totally lame - asking way too many questions about the stupid Wright comments. A moderator asks if the Wright comments will be a liability during the general. Obama says no, Americans are better than that, better than being easily distracted.

But Hillary responds by saying that Americans have a right to ask these questions and be concerned. And she said in a really bitchy way. YouTube-it.

Ugh - not a fan right now.

And her explanation of her misstatements about Bosnia and sniper fire started with "I'm not dumb" when they should've started with "I have moments when I'm dumb."

Yet somehow George Stephanopoulos manages to ask a question to follow up that even dumber than what either candidate says. Magic! Obama smacks down another question aimed to get him to engage in some petty squabbling (that Hillary has no problem with, it seems) by saying, let's not get hung up on gaffes. Get over it!


I don't believe for a second his campaign will totally operate that way, but as much as I can give either credit right now, I'm giving it to him.

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