Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The FEC won't let me be

Ah, campaign finance. You'd think of all people, John McCain would know the most and be the best at working the system. Oops, I mean, at abiding to the full letter of the law. Since he wrote it. Or rewrote it. McCain-Feingold is awesome!  Wait, no it isn't.
Anyway, in related news, now that McCain is the presumptive nominee and the money taps are going full bore again, he doesn't so much want or need that public financing he put in for back when his campaign was broke and sputtering.  Public funding is free money, but with pretty large handcuffs on overall spending. That will never do.  Despite his best efforts, it seems you actually need money to win elections. Lots of money. And negative campaigning - but that's a topic for another post.
The problem, however, is that McCain has already asked for public money. Now he has to get out of the system. Technically, he should - er, might? - be able to do that. But FEC chairman Dave Mason has opined in a letter to the campaign that letting McCain out requires a vote of the FEC commissioners.
Which would work if there were any. See, there are only 2 right now. Four is a quorum. Oh dear - math was never my strong suit, but it seems like there might be issues here.
Read more about the controversy few are talking about (because, let's face it, campaign finance makes most people drool involuntarily from bored confusion) here: http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?parm1=5&docID=news-000002676191

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